sE Electronics sE7 Small-Diaphragm Condenser Microphone Matched Pair w/ Clips
sE ElectronicsThe sE7 is a high-quality back-electret small-diaphragm condenser microphone intended for a wide range of studio and live sound applications, from acoustic guitars to pianos to drums and beyond. Convincing stereo recordings require microphones with high consistency and accurate localization from the pair of microphones. Therefore, at sE every pair is selected from hundreds of individual microphones to provide identical performance. The result is the highest possible correlation over the whole frequency range, and virtually identical sensitivity for stunning three-dimensional recordings.
Optimized acoustic design, discrete class-A circuitry and a transformerless output
Clear, natural sound quality at all frequencies
Switchable -20dB attenuation pad
High sound pressure level (SPL) handling capability
Switchable low-cut 80 Hz filter
Extremely low-noise components
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